Black Vanilla named Scale Up Business of the Year at Véyaon Awards
Black Vanilla has been named the Scale Up Business of the Year at the inaugural Véyaon Awards organised by the Digital Greenhouse.
Sponsored by Resolution IT, the Scale Up Business of the Year award recognises strong and sustainable growth in business.
The awards celebrate local entrepreneurship and innovation and we were thrilled to spend the evening with local entrepreneurial talent and as keynote speaker Charles Mindenhall described innovators – ‘deviants and heretics’.
‘The room was buzzing, it’s clear that the island has a wealth of talented people developing new ideas, setting up businesses and driving innovation and economic growth. The shortlisted businesses showed the wealth of talent in Guernsey, we were proud to be named a winner alongside so many other fantastic examples of entrepreneurship,’ said Nichole Culverwell, Black Vanilla Agency Director.
The judges highlighted our ‘drive, ambition, well-tuned revenue model and product development, and an attention to staff learning.’
Black Vanilla helps brands to tell their story, share their message and build their reputation. Our vision is that reputation management and corporate purpose are strategic considerations for every organisation.
Senior Account Manager at Black Vanilla, Chloe Chescoe, said: ‘Over the past few years, our team has worked hard to develop our service offering, growing our client base, headcount and income whilst remaining focused on our core purpose of reputation management.
‘This hard work has paid off! We’ve grown to service more clients across the Channel Islands. We work with clients in the Isle of Man, Gibraltar, the UK and Luxembourg, and our combined events and strategic PR offering has gone from strength to strength. We won’t be resting on our laurels. We believe there is huge opportunity for our services and skills, and we have a shared goal for growth.
‘Thank you to the Digital Greenhouse for organising the awards and for supporting entrepreneurs locally, Resolution IT for sponsoring this category, Blenheim Chalcot for their support of the awards and the judges for recognising and rewarding our hard work.’
Congratulations to all the winners at the Véyaon Awards this year!